World Wave of Love is an answer to the violence towards women, children, men, sentient beings, mother earth, nature, the oceans… LIFE !
Let’s act in every moment with kindness and humility.
Each act of love is essential and spreads out.
Every single day, let’s be the change !
To be kind is a creative act of resistance.
More love means less fear, less violence.
Let us act ! Let us be the world we wish for !
Let us sow the good seed !
Each one of us daring to do something tangible and visionary.
Our thoughts, words and actions being driven less and less by fear.
Each one of us feeling responsible and acting from his or her very best.
That being happy becomes more important than being right.
All this happening without any organisation, and freely.
Every Sunday between 3pm and 4 pm
wherever you are in the world
The Hour of Love
« A new kind of demonstration »
In the spirit and energy of the 4 million lovers of life who marched on January 11th, 2015 in Paris and throughout France, World Wave of Love starts an event that lasts one hour every Sunday in each time zone.
A window to connect to kindness and love. Each Sunday, from one time zone to the next, the Hour of Love goes around the globe.
3 ways to participate :
Spiritual intention
The intention of World Wave of Love is to create a human vibration of love and kindness.
The intention is to slow down, to be relaxed, to be aware, to be natural, to awaken consciousness, to lessen suffering, to care for ourselves, to care for others.
Utopia ?
What if we tried ?
What are the risks ?
What are the benefits ?
I love this idea
Whether you feel like
helping us,
sharing WWL around you,
or participating in the positioning of WWL,
join WWL for free !